Course Syllabus

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Syllabus Empowering Students in the Digital World

Course Description

Do you feel your students could benefit from strategies and tools to help them evaluate the online content they view? Different forms of media may present the same story in different ways, and this can affect students’ perceptions. This session will explore the critical thinking and digital literacy skills needed to analyze and interpret media for accuracy, bias, and credibility with your students.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will:

  1. Identify skills and strategies that you can use to support your students in navigating the digital world.
  2. Explore activities to encourage students to evaluate online content and determine whether it is reliable and trustworthy.


This course is a Lightning Learning session, a condensed learning experience designed to ignite your skills and propel your career forward. 

What is Lightning Learning?

Unlock new opportunities, enhance your expertise, and engage in practical strategies through this concise, power-packed learning experience. Additionally, for those seeking a more flexible learning option, we offer an on-demand recording, allowing you to access and learn at your own pace. To obtain your completion badge for this course, you will have to complete a self-reflection.

Grade Level

Suitable for educators teaching Grade 7 to Grade 12.

Estimated Duration

This course should take you 45-60 minutes to complete.

Earn Your Badge

You must complete a self-reflection to receive your digital badge, which counts towards the requirements for the Learning Pathway: Technology Enhanced Learning.

What is a Digital Badge? 

A digital badge is a visual symbol of accomplishment. Our digital badges, issued through Canvas LMS, serve as verifiable symbols of your achievements and expertise. As you complete each learning session, these badges validate your dedication and commitment to advancing STEM education in Canada, allowing you to proudly share your accomplishments on social media or with colleagues and peers.

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